Membership in the Marine Corps League (MCL) is comprised of Regular Members and Associate Members.
REGULAR MEMBERS must meet one of the following criteria:
1. Be serving in the U.S. Marine Corps on active duty for not less than 90 days.
2. To have served in the U.S. Marine Corps on active duty for not less than 90 days, having been discharge honorable.
3. To have served in the U.S. Marine Corps Reserve and have earned no less than 90 reserve retirement credit points.
4. Be a U.S. Navy Corpsman who has trained and deployed with U.S. Marine Fleet Marine Forces (FMF) Units in excess of 90 days and earned the Marine Corps device (clasp) worn on the service ribbon, or those who earned the Warfare Device authorized for FMF Corpsmen
5. Be a U.S. Navy Chaplain who has earned the FMF Badge (or FMF Ribbon) deploying with Marines in the FMF.
Those individuals who are not qualified to join as a regular member of the MCL may be accepted as ASSOCIATE MEMBERS.
Applicants will be asked to fill out a membership application and verify their eligibility by providing a copy of their DD-214. Yearly dues are $35.00.
Download the Membership Application